Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Spring is here!  We spent the month of April learning about Spring and Easter.  We talked about plants and flowers and how to take care of them and then we planted our own Marigolds.  Each of the students got to take one home.  I hope they are taking good care of them.  We learned that plants need water and sun to help them grow.  We also learned that our Marigolds start off as a seed and then grow roots, a stem, leaves and a flower.   

We have also been working with our Grade 8 buddies in the computer lab.  They have been helping us practice our alphabet sounds and teaching us how to control the mouse and the keyboard.  The Pre-K students really enjoy this special time spent with their buddies. 

We began the month of May by talking about Mother's Day and making our special Mother's Day gift.  We made a flower using our handprint and our picture. 

**Important Reminders:
  • Friday, May 29th - Family Fun BBQ orders due 

  • Friday, May 29th - Volunteer Cash Back Forms due in office

  • Thursday, June 4th - Family Fun BBQ/Uniform Sale

  • Wednesday, June 24th - Last day of Pre-Kindergarten


Mrs. Shade