Friday, December 7, 2018


Hello Parents!

Happy December! I can’t believe it is almost Christmas! I hope everyone here has a wonderful and peaceful advent season this year.

Here is what has happened in Pre-K this past month!

Pre K’s have been working on more letters and numbers! We looked at the letter H, I , J, K, L, and M. We explored the sounds of each letter, sorting upper case and lower case, and things that start with that letter. We’ve done some counting and have been recognizing numbers up to 10. We are practicing in how to share and be kind to our friends in the class and to play nicely. The kids are getting better at routine in the classroom and walking in line.

This month we are doing a lot of crafts for Christmas! The students are getting better at dot painting and gluing things together. We will learn about the importance of Christmas and touch on the season of Advent. We will also prepare for our Christmas concert coming up!

Dates to remember:
December 19 – Christmas concert
-          1:15 pm Afternoon show
-          7:00pm Evening show
The kids will perform in both shows. Please have them wear something nice (their Sunday’s best).

December 21 –  Wear Red and Green Day. Early Dismissal 2:25pm

Have a wonderful and safe holiday everyone! See you next year!

Miss Simbulan

Friday, November 9, 2018


Hello parents!

This month we have been busy doing our letter of the week, counting, and making tons of crafts. Our children in Pre-K continue to follow routine, tidy up, and listen to their teacher and grown-ups. Their relationships towards each other have blossomed and many of them are starting to not be afraid getting out of their comfort zone. It is amazing to see how much they have grown since September!

This month we have focused on the letter D, E, F, G. The kids always look forward in seeing what they will make with their letter of the week. We also have looked at things that start with the letter and have begun to practice tracing the letter and recognizing what is the upper case and lower case of our letter.

Last month during Halloween, we had different Halloween sensory centres and pumpkin carved! Thank you to the Praznik family for providing those pumpkins for us! They had fun!

It is the month of November so we also discussed about Remembrance Day and talked about what PEACE is. We made poppies and talked about what it is and what it means.

It is almost DECEMBER! Which means the Christmas concert is coming up soon! We will start practicing in class for the concert very soon! Winter has arrived so please dress your children accordingly. There will be some times where we might go outside and play (depending on the wind chill).

Next Friday on November 16, our students will be joining the “big kids” for activity day. They are very very excited for that!

Dates to remember:

November 16 – Activity day with the whole school

November 23 – Pre-K school pictures

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Friday, October 19, 2018

October 2018

October is here and the weather seems to be unpredictable! Trees are changing colour, the leaves are falling, and winter is near! There will be times where we might head out for some fresh air so please have your children bring warm clothes just for in case!

Here’s what has been happening the first few weeks of October:

The children have been practicing and spending time getting better school routines. They are doing a marvellous job in tidying up their toys and putting things back where they belong, lining up together as a class, and siting criss-cross when it is circle or story time. We have been working on knowing the days of the week, the months of the year and what the weather is like during calendar time and we LOVE to sing the ABCs and count the days on the calendar before we get into our activities!

This month has been pretty busy! Every week we do the letter of the day and do activities based on that letter such as letter crafts, colouring books, dot painting, and gluing and sorting. We also do the number of the day.  This week we will be looking at the letter E and the number 6.

This month is also the season of Thanksgiving and Halloween! For Thanksgiving we talked about things that we are thankful for and made a hand crafted turkey and a thanksgiving wreath! The next few days we will be doing many spooooky and fun Halloween activities!

We will have pre-k on Halloween day so your children can wear Black and Orange that day!

A few reminders:
·      Please send a HEALTHY snack for your child during our snack time.
·      Wednesday October 31 – Wear Black and Orange
·      November 23 – Pre-K Picture Day

God Bless!
Miss Simbulan

Monday, May 28, 2018


The year 2017- 2018 went by so fast. Where did those amazing ten months go?
I can truly say that the Pre-Kindergartens had the best and wonderful ten months of their lives. And as hard as it is, I can’t believe that we only have eight (8) meetings left before we finally say goodbye to school and to our friends.  From the start and until the end, we had so much fun. They’ve learned and did a lot of stuff which includes alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes and patterns. They also did a variety of cool arts and crafts for different occasions. They love coloring, painting, dadding and cutting. They also love playing with each other with building blocks, balls and toy cars. We also played with Kindergartens and formed bonds with them. This kind of activity helped them build and enhance their social skills. They also learned manners like saying please, thank you and I’m sorry. And once the weather goes warmer, we started going and playing outside. They love the sunshine and fresh air. They also love playing in the slide, swing and play structure.
In the next meetings to come, we will still continue to practice and learn our alphabets and numbers. They also have one more craft to do for Father’s Day. They were pretty excited about it.
I can say by now that they had improved a lot – physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. Almost all of them are ready to be in Kindergarten. As their teacher, I am so happy and proud of what they have become. I am very much delighted having taught the Pre-K’s this year. It is just so wonderful to see their growth as a student and as a person. I would also like to thank all the parents who volunteered in the classroom; your help is very much appreciated.
*June 7 – Family fun Barbeque and Uniform Sale
* June 22 - Last Day of Pre-Kindergarten
On the last day of Pre-Kindergarten, families are welcome to join for a small farewell celebration in the classroom (Library). The kids will be sharing what they had learned for the past ten months. The students will also get a certificate of completion. We will have a little food to share. Families may bring food to be shared by everyone. I hope to see all families.
Thank you and Have a Great Summer!
Mrs. Francisco

Monday, April 30, 2018



"Children are the anchors of a mother's life." - Sophocles
May is the special month we give to our mothers. As a special gift to their mothers, the Pre-kindergarten's will be making a card with their handprints. This will serve as their simple yet memorable gift for their mothers. 
The learning still continues - alphabet, numbers, patterns and other stuff. We do activities that helps them to recognize the numbers and letters. They love to play the dice number games. Instead of playing in the gym, we are already playing outside to get some fresh air and enjoying the beautiful weather.
We are talking a lot about Spring. The weather, the animals and insects that you can find during Spring time. One of them is the butterfly. We are learning the cycle of a butterfly. We will talk about Earth and how to take care of it. We'll learn about recycling. They will learn how to sort things. The things that will go to the garbage and things that can still be recycled. They have their own fair share in keeping Mother Earth healthy and clean.
I would like to wish all mothers out there a "Happy Mother's Day!"  
Also, on May 24th at 6:00p.m., we are going to have a special dinner for all volunteers who shared their time and effort. I would like to thank you for all that you do.
Upcoming Events: 
May 11 - No school Inservice Day
May 21 - Victoria Day NO SCHOOL
June 7 - Family Fun Barbeque 4:00 - 7:00 p.m. (Food must be purchased in advance)
            - Uniform Sale
Thank you very much!
Mrs. Francisco

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


Spring is here!

Hope that everybody had a good spring break!

The Pre-K's are having a great time learning.

They are learning more the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes. They are trying to trace and write the letters and numbers. They are also learning other skills like cutting and sorting.

We will also be doing fun spring arts and crafts and also learn more about the Spring season. So definitely, the prek's will be very busy this month.  

**Important Reminders:

·         Monday, April 9 - Friday April 13 - Scholastic Book Fair
·         Wednesday, April 25 – Wear something black and white (Cow - Milk Spirit Week)
·         Friday, April 27 - Wear denim, plaid (Farmer - Milk Spirit Week)

Take care!

Mrs. Francisco

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Spring is almost here! The Pre-K's are really having a good time learning and having fun.

February was “I Love to Read” month. The kids loved it when they started bringing out their favorite books and shared the story to the class. They were very eager listeners.

They are continuously learning the alphabet and numbers. We are practicing our recognizing, familiarizing, tracing, and writing the letters and numbers.

We will also be doing arts and crafts and also learn about the Lenten Season, St. Patrick's Day, Easter and Spring. So definitely, the prek's have so much to offer in their plate this month. I am definitely sure that this month would be another fun but busy month. 

**Important Reminders:

·         Friday, Mar. 2  – Registration Packages due
·         Wednesday, Mar. 14 – Wear something green (St. Patrick's Day celebration)
·         Friday, Mar. 16– No School - Student-Led conferences
·         March 26 to March 30 – Spring Break
*          April 4 – Back to school for the Prekindergarten

Take care!

Mrs. Francisco

Tuesday, January 30, 2018


February is the month of love.
So let us show love! love! love!

The Pre-Kindergartens will be showing a lot of love in this month of February. They will be very busy doing some valentine crafts and activities like finger painting, cutting, hand print valentine crafts and a lot more. We will definitely be having so much fun.

We are also continuously learning alphabets and numbers, familiarizing with uppercase and lowercase letters as well as with numbers, patterns and other stuff.

February is also the month where we celebrate awareness for the love for reading. It is "I LOVE TO READ MONTH!" We will be reading books of their choice.

To spread awareness, I would like to ask each student to bring two books – one is their favorite book that they would like  me to read in the class. While the other one is a book that they would like to donate to our Pre-K library. It will be a big help to add more books in our collection and the good thing about it is they can share their donated book to other kids in the future. The book should be still be in good condition.  

Please follow this schedule:
February 7, Wednesday - Zorelle
February 9, Friday – Emma
February 14, Wednesday – Alex
February 21, Wednesday – Dawit
February 23, Friday- Calel


 February 11 - St. Gerard School Mass at 11:00 am. Everyone is invited to attend the school mass. 
 February 14 - Valentines Day Wear love colours like red, pink, purple and white.
 February 16 - NO SCHOOL - In-Service 
Take care and keep warm!
Mrs. Francisco

Monday, January 8, 2018


Hello January! Hello and Welcome 2018!

I really hope that everybody have had a wonderful Christmas break. It is so nice to spend this Christmas break with families and friends.

I would just like to thank all of you for having participated in our Christmas Concert. It was a huge success and I am just so proud of my Pre-Kindergartens because they were not afraid of getting into the stage and singing in front of so many people. They were just all so cute and amazing.

In the coming days to come, we might be experiencing extreme cold temperatures and we just have to remember to dress appropriately for this kind of weather.  We will be talking more about Winter, discussed proper clothes to wear, food to eat, and other winter related stuff. We will also share a cup of hot chocolate to warm our tummy's..

During gym time, we will be playing with balls, skipping, and running around the gym. It will be a lot of fun.

We will continuously be doing winter crafts, learning new songs and dances, learning more about alphabets, numbers, opposites and other stuff. We will be looking forward for more fruitful and wonderful activities.

Thank you and Keep Warm!

Mrs. Francisco