Saturday, December 4, 2021


Hello Prekindergarten Families!
We have entered into the month of December.  We had such a busy November.  We have continued to practice our letters with sounds, counting up to 20, and trying to recognize the numbers without being in order.  Days of the week, colors, and learning new shapes are a part of our learning each class day.  Since the weather has gotten colder and there is snow now, we have been talking about how to stay healthy and what keeps us warm.  We have also started to practice putting on our own ski pants, and boots, and trying to zip up our own coats!

December 1st we sang our hearts out for the taping of our Christmas song for the St. Gerard Christmas concert.  It will be available on Youtube December 16.  There will be a link for our families to view all the wonderful performances.  I am so proud of our class.  I can't wait for it to be viewed!  The kids have shown such an excitement for Advent and Christmas.  We have been singing Christmas carols while crafting, and truly getting into the true Christmas spirit.

To make sure everything is fresh and clean in January I will be sending their work home from the past few months.  Some of it may be unfinished, or not completed because of days missed, so not to worry.  The kiddies can do them on their holidays if they get bored!  😄

Stay safe and warm!  I will post once more before the last day of school!

Blessings to you all and may your hearts be filled with joy, happiness, and cheer during this exciting month!

Mrs. Kelly

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Hello Pre-K families,

We have been in school for a couple months now and have made some great progress!  Not only have we been learning the alphabet, but the sounds too.  We have a great knowledge of shapes and colors, and we have been counting up to 20!  We have been practicing our name recognition and learning how to print our own names!  There's been lots of crafting at school and I will be sending their Halloween crafts home this week.

There are some important dates to remember this month:
  • no school November 5
  • no school November 19
Pre-Kindergarten picture day is on November 12    

In the upcoming weeks we will be preparing for Christmas concert!

Have a wonderful month parents!

Mrs. Kelly

Friday, October 1, 2021


Welcome Pre-K families!

We have made it through our first month of school!  I am so proud of our little class.  Everyone is showing such enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn.  We've been going over rules of the classroom and how to be good friends to each other.  We are learning how to be good listeners, how to be safe, how to follow directions, and learning each others names!

We have been working hard right from the get go!  Each day we go over letters, numbers, shapes, colors, and days of the week.  Ask your child to recite our days of the week song...they start the song for me now because they love it so much!  We've been developing our scissor skills, practicing holding our pencil, and learning how to use glue sticks.  It's unbelievable how well they can follow directions when it comes to our work and doing crafts.  We also started doing name recognition and practiced printing our names.

Seeing how this first month has gone, I know we are gonna have a great school year!  

Thanksgiving is October 11th this year.  I am so thankful to be your teacher and feel I am truly blessed to be here.  We will be doing some Thanksgiving crafts, and discussing the holiday in class this month.

Mrs. Kelly

Thursday, April 8, 2021



Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! 

I hope that everybody have had a good and restful Spring Break! 

Certainly, the Pre-kindergartens are having such a great time learning. 

They are continuously learning and mastering the alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes. They are tracing, coloring, cutting and gluing. They are learning simple sight words. They love dancing and playing. We are practicing catching the ball.

They are also doing some fun spring arts and crafts. They will learn more about Spring season in the next coming weeks. Depending on the weather, we will try to do some walking around the playground for any sign of Spring.

Important Dates to Remember: 

  1. April 7, Wednesday - School Re-opens for PreK
  2. April 14, Wednesday - Pink Day 
  3. April 28, Wednesday - Cow Day - Wear Black, White or Brown
  4. April 30, Friday - Farmer Day - Wear Denim and Plaid 
Take Care. Stay safe and healthy. 

Mrs. Francisco

Monday, February 22, 2021

March 2021


Spring is coming. Let us look forward to more beautiful days. 

The Pre-kindergartens are always looking forward to this season and we are excited about it. Certainly, the year is going by so fast. And the students in Pre-K are really growing up so fast just like the trees and flowers - soon they will have branches full of leaves and flowers. And just like the bees in the garden, the Pre-k's are keeping themselves busy. They are growing up so quickly and before you know it, they will be ready and off to Kindergarten. 

Here is what has been happening in Pre-K:

They are going over their alphabet - uppercase and lowercase. They are learning to write both letters. They are also continuously learning the letters of their name. They have been practicing answering the questions with Yes and No. They will continue reviewing letters, numbers, shapes, patterns, alongside with the tracing, writing, coloring, cutting, and gluing. They also do crafts for different seasons or occasions. 

 This month we will be looking at the season of Spring. We might also be doing St. Patrick’s Day activities and learn what the season of Lent is.

We are continuously making our school and our students safe and healthy. Continue to wash hands, hand sanitize and social distance. Don't come to school when feeling unwell. 

I hope everyone will have a blessed Lenten season. Here are some days to remember:

Friday, March 19 – In-Service NO SCHOOL

Monday March 29 - Friday April 2 – Spring Break

Wednesday April 7 - Classes Resume for Pre-Kindergarten

Take care always. 

Mrs. Francisco

Monday, February 1, 2021

February 2021

Goodbye January! Hello February!

"Every new month is like a piece of paper and only you decide what would be written on it."

February is another month full of fun and learning. 

On the second week of February, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week. It will be from February 8th - 12th, 2021. Each day there will be a theme, they are as follows: 

Monday - February 8 - N.U.T day - Tropical Day

Tuesday - February 9 - N.U.T day - Number Day 

Wednesday - February 10 - N.U.T day - Disney / Trivia Day - Please wear something that has your favorite Disney character. 

Thursday - February 11 - N.U.T day - Superhero Day - Mystery Day 

Friday - February 12 - In - Service day - No School

On the third week of February, is the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday is on February 17. We will be talking about the importance of this day as well. 

On the fourth week of this month - February 22-26, 2021, is “I Love to Read” month. I would like to ask each student to bring two of their favorite story books to share with the class. One is for a book that they will be exchanging with their classmate. Once books were brought to school, it will be staying in the library for a few days then students can bring it home. The other book that they will bring will be read in the class. 

February is also Valentine’s Day. We will not be giving out any treats to each other. We will be doing Valentines themed activities. 


* February 8th -12th - Catholic Schools Week 
* February 12th - In-Service Day - No School 
* February 16th - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Lunch 
* February 17th - Ash Wednesday 
* February 22nd - 26th - I Love to Read Month 

Please continue hand washing and social distancing. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you. 

Mrs. Francisco

Thursday, January 7, 2021



Happy New Year everyone! 

A New Year! A New Beginning! We are hoping that this year will bring us more peace, love and hope. 

I am very sure that everyone had an amazing and restful Christmas break. I am excited to see all of you back to school. 

January is a pretty busy month as well. We will continue learning all about alphabet, numbers, patterns, shapes, and sizes. We are also continuously developing our skills in counting, tracing, matching. drawing, coloring, writing, sorting, cutting and gluing. 

By this time, they are now very good remembering our routine in class. Washing and sanitizing are all part of the routine. I am very proud of my Pre-k's becasue they are doing the right thing. 

My Pre-k's did an amazing job performing at the Christmas Concert. They were the cutest little Santa's. Thank you parents for providing for their little costumes. 

Please continue washing your hand. 

Here are some dates to remember:

January 27, 2021 (Wednesday) - In-Service Day - No School 
February 12, 2021 (Friday) - In-Service Day - No School 
February 17, 2021 - Ash Wednesday 
February 24, 2021 - Admin Day - No School 

Keep safe and healthy. 

Mrs. Francisco