Monday, December 16, 2019


Dear Parents!

A joyful and blissful December to you all! 

I can’t believe it is almost Christmas! The days have just gone by so fast. I do really hope that  everyone here has a wonderful and peaceful advent this year.

Here is what has happened in Pre-K this past month!

The Pre Kindergartens have been working on more letters and numbers. We looked at the letter D, E, F, G, and H. We explored and learned the sounds of each letter.  We study the things that start with that letter. We’ve done some counting and have been recognizing numbers up to 10. We are practicing in how to share and be kind to our friends in the class and to play nicely. We practice and remember our manners like saying "Thank you", "You're Welcome", "Please", and "I am Sorry". I am proud to say that the kids are getting better at routine in the classroom and walking in line.

We are doing a lot of crafts for Christmas! The students are getting better at coloring, cutting, and gluing things together. We learned the importance of Christmas and touched on the season of Advent. We are also preparing for our Christmas concert. We will be singing with the Kindergartens. 

Dates to remember:
December 18th – 7:00 p.m. Christmas concert 
   1:15 pm Afternoon show 
December 20th - Last school day. Early dismissal. Please wear red and green. 

The kids will perform in both shows. Please have them wear something nice (their Sunday’s best).

Have a wonderful and safe holiday everyone! See you next year!