Tuesday, November 28, 2017



Christmas is just around the corner!
When you are in Pre-K, time flies fast.

It is the season of Advent and Christmas. Advent means “coming” of Jesus.  During the Advent season we are awaiting and preparing for the arrival of Jesus.  Most of the activities are focused on Advent and Christmas.  We will sing Christmas songs, make Christmas crafts, talk about the birth of Jesus Christ and much more!  
We have been busy practicing our song for the Christmas Concert. It will be on the evening of Wednesday, December 20th.  We are very excited to stand on stage and share it with our families.  Please have your child dressed in their “Sunday Best” clothes for the concert. The Pre-K’s will meet in the library and they need to be there at 6:30 pm. Please do come on time.
    *Thursday, December 20th at 7:00 pm - Christmas Concert.  Pre-K’s need to be in the Library by 6:30 p.m. 
    * Friday, December 22nd - last day of Pre-K and early dismissal 2:25p.m.
We will try to have a little "Christmas gathering".
    *January 10th - Pre-K’s will be back after the Christmas Break 

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year. 
    Keep warm! 

    Thank you. 

     Mrs. Francisco

Friday, November 3, 2017


October went on really, really fast. The Family Halloween Party was so successful. Pre-Kindergarten had the most wonderful night. They wore their most awesome costumes. We really had an awesome and SPOOKTACULAR evening. We made some amazing art for the Halloween like mummies, pumpkin faces and painting of a bat. I am just so proud of the things Pre-Kindergarten is doing.

We will be starting our first class in November with a Picture day. We will take individual pictures and a class picture. We will also talk about Remembrance Day and Peace. This month we will be very busy making arts and crafts for Remembrance day. Slowly, we are learning our numbers, letters and patterns.

In a few weeks, we will start learning about winter. Little by little we will learn about alphabets. And also we will begin preparing for the Christmas concert coming up on December 21st. I will be sending copy of the song that we will be singing.

·Please remember to have your child use the bathroom before our class begins.
Please let them wear appropriate clothing like snow pants, winter jacket, boots, mitts and scarves. There will be times that we will go outside and play in the snow.

·Friday, November 3rd, NO SCHOOL - Student-Led Conference

 Thank you. Take care and stay warm.

Mrs. Francisco