Monday, December 16, 2019


Dear Parents!

A joyful and blissful December to you all! 

I can’t believe it is almost Christmas! The days have just gone by so fast. I do really hope that  everyone here has a wonderful and peaceful advent this year.

Here is what has happened in Pre-K this past month!

The Pre Kindergartens have been working on more letters and numbers. We looked at the letter D, E, F, G, and H. We explored and learned the sounds of each letter.  We study the things that start with that letter. We’ve done some counting and have been recognizing numbers up to 10. We are practicing in how to share and be kind to our friends in the class and to play nicely. We practice and remember our manners like saying "Thank you", "You're Welcome", "Please", and "I am Sorry". I am proud to say that the kids are getting better at routine in the classroom and walking in line.

We are doing a lot of crafts for Christmas! The students are getting better at coloring, cutting, and gluing things together. We learned the importance of Christmas and touched on the season of Advent. We are also preparing for our Christmas concert. We will be singing with the Kindergartens. 

Dates to remember:
December 18th – 7:00 p.m. Christmas concert 
   1:15 pm Afternoon show 
December 20th - Last school day. Early dismissal. Please wear red and green. 

The kids will perform in both shows. Please have them wear something nice (their Sunday’s best).

Have a wonderful and safe holiday everyone! See you next year!

Friday, November 22, 2019


We have been very busy doing our letter of the week, counting, and making different crafts. Our children in Pre-K continue to follow routine, tidy up, and listen to their teacher and grown-ups.  They are continuously developing their different skills like physical, social, emotional skills to build wonderful relationships towards each other. It is amazing to see how much they have grown since September!

This month we have focused on the letter C, D, E. The kids always look forward in seeing what they will make with their letter of the week. We also have looked at things that start with the letter and have begun to practice tracing the letter and their name and recognizing what is the upper case and lower case of our letter.

It is the month of November so we also discussed about Remembrance Day and talked about what PEACE is. We made poppies and talked about what it is and what it means.

It is almost DECEMBER! Which means the Christmas concert is coming up soon! We already started practicing the song in class for the concert very soon! Winter has arrived so please dress your children accordingly. There will be some times where we might go outside and play (depending on the wind chill).

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

October 2019

Oh wow! 

October is already here and the weather seems to be so unpredictable! Trees are changing its color, the leaves are falling, and winter is already here! We had our first feel of snow on the second week of October. Just a reminder - There will be times where we might head out for some fresh air so please have your children bring warm clothes just for in case!

Here’s what has been happening the first few weeks of October:

The children have been working, practicing and spending time getting better school routines. They are doing an amazing job in cleaning up their toys and putting things back where they belong, lining up together as a class, climbing the stairs and sitting criss-cross when it is circle or story time. We have been working on knowing the days of the week, the months of the year and what the weather is like during calendar time and we LOVE to sing the ABCs and count the days on the calendar before we get into our activities!

This month has been pretty busy! We started learning our alphabet. Every week we do the letter of the day and do activities based on that letter such as letter crafts, coloring books, dot painting, cutting, gluing and sorting. We will also do the number of the day.  

This month is also the season of Thanksgiving and Halloween! For Thanksgiving we talked about things that we are thankful for and made a hand crafted turkey and a thanksgiving wreath! The next few days we will be doing many spooooky and fun Halloween activities!

We will have Pre-k on Halloween day so your children can wear Black and Orange that day!

A few reminders:
  •  Please send a HEALTHY snack for your child during our snack time - it may include fruit slices or fruit pack.
  • Friday October 25 - NO SCHOOL - Halloween Party 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. 
  • Wednesday October 30 – Wear Black and Orange. It is also an early dismissal. They can come still come at 1:00 and could be picked up at 2:25 p.m. 
  • Friday November 1 - NO SCHOOL - Student-Led Conferences 
  • Friday November 15 – Pre-K Picture Day

God Bless!
Mrs. Francisco

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


School Year 2019 - 2020
i hope that everybody had an awesome summer!

I am very much looking forward to working with your children this school year 2019-2020. We will learn letters and numbers; colours and shapes.  We will share stories, sing, draw and make crafts.  We will run, hop and skip in the gym.  We will pray, play, laugh, learn and grow together. 
Please visit this page throughout the school year to get updates on what makes the PreK's busy.
I am looking forward for a wonderful year with your kids.
Mrs. Francisco

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


The last month of Pre-Kindergarten has come! It is hard to believe that this year of pre-k is over. It went by extremely fast. I am so grateful for this opportunity in teaching your children this year. It was my first time teaching in a pre-k setting and I have learnt a lot as a teacher. Not only they have grown as students here, but I believe I have grown as a teacher. We had tons of fun and I am looking forward in hearing how well they do when they get to kindergarten.

This month and these past few weeks we have done a lot! We’ve celebrated Easter this past month. We also explored and learned the difference between fruit and vegetables. We learned and explored our 5 senses: touching, hearing, tasting, smelling, and seeing.  We also are learning about different Community Workers and talk about what we want to be when we grow up.

The kids continued practicing their fine motor skills in learning how to glue, trace, cut, and sort. We are also practicing good manners and how to be a good friend to one another.  It is amazing to see how close these children are to one another. They were so shy and now they get so excited when they see each other.

Upcoming events:  a letter will be going out in regards to our Pre-K graduation. Our last day of school and Graduation day will be held on Friday, June 21st at 1:00pm. Please read the note for more information.

It has been a wonderful year! Thank you so much to all the parent volunteers who have come to our class to help! Our class would not be going smooth without you! So thank you! I am so grateful! It has been a pleasure in teaching your children and I wish them the best of luck in Kindergarten!

Have a safe and blessed summer!

Miss Christine Simbulan

Tuesday, May 14, 2019



I cannot believe it is already the month of May and that our school year is almost at the end! Our Pre- Kindergarten class have been continuing to grow in their learning, grow in their social skills and their motor skills. I am so proud of each and every one of them! They are ready to head to Kindergarten!

These past weeks the Pre-Ks have been learning a lot of different things. During the month of Spring we explored the rain cycle and how it works, we learned about parts of a flower and how it grows, and we explored and learned about butterfly cycle! We also learned about our colours and explored how primary colours like blue, red, and yellow can make new colours!

We did plenty of activities practicing our fine motor skills such as tracing different lines and shapes and our names. They are getting really good at cutting with scissors and gluing things together using a glue stick. We’ve worked at colouring in the lines and sorting objects to the right categories (colours, food, sizes, etc)

This month, we are practicing how to follow class routine again and have self-control. We are also practicing in how to work as a team when it comes to tidying up and playing games; as well as getting a long and being a “good neighbour” to our friends.
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to all you mothers. We do appreciate all that you do for us and we hoped you enjoyed our little craft we made for you.

Next month, we will start preparing for our Pre-School graduation. Our last day of school will be on Friday June 21st which will be the day where the kids will have their little farewell graduation. Information about that will be given soon.

Have a wonderful and blessed month!

Miss. Simbuan

Friday, March 8, 2019


Spring is coming and we are getting ready for this kind of season. We have a lot to look forward to. Also, the year is going by very quickly! They are growing very fast and they like being in school and being in Pre-K. They are excited to do a bunch of different stuff. We need to get ready and brace ourselves, because before you know it, they are alredy off to Kindergarten! 

Here is what makes them busy: 

We’ve been going over our alphabet and slowly knowing our uppercases and lowercases. We continued doing our Letter and Number of the day. We are also tracing our names. We will continue reviewing our letters and begin tracing and doing more letter recognition activities to get ourselves prepared for next year! 

This month we will be looking at the season of Spring. We will also be doing St. Patrick’s Day activities and learn what the season of Lent is.

I hope everyone will have a blessed Lenten season. Here are some days to remember:

Friday, March 13 – No Classes because of Student-Led Conferences

Monday March 30- Friday April 3 – Spring Break

Wednesday April 8 - Classes Resume 

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


Happy New Year everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely holiday break. This month has been a coooold month! But I appreciate the enthusiasm and the excitement the students bring to the school every time they come.

Here’s what has been happening these past few weeks of January.

The children have continued doing their letter of the day and number of the day. We are almost done our letters! They are really improving in letter recognition and knowing which letter is uppercase and which one is lowercase and knowing their letter sounds as well. We go over the letter sounds with our alphabet chart during Calendar routine every time and they keep getting better and better! The children bring their letter books at home. We read it in class together and I encourage you to have your children read those books at home and practice some of their sight word recognition already (If you want them to start reading ;) ).

We’ve also looked at the basic shapes such as; the circle, the rectangle, triangle, square, diamond, etc. We’ve been making a lot of crafts based on our shapes! During our Calendar routine we have started singing the months of the year as well! So the children know that February and Valentine’s Day is coming up!

Here are some pictures of the students working on their crafts that we did.

The children did such an incredible job performing at the Christmas Concert last month! They were the cutest happiest Christmas trees that I have ever seen! Thank you parents for your support!

Next month is Catholic School’s Week. So on Wednesday, February 13 it will be our SUPERHERO DAY. The kids might be participating in the events that will happen in the afternoon so have them dress up as a superhero!

Here are some dates to remember:

Wednesday February 13 – SuperHero Day

Friday February 15- No school

IT HAS BEEN COLD! So please stay warm!


Miss Simbulan