Happy New Year everyone!
I hope everyone had a lovely holiday break. This month has
been a coooold month! But I appreciate the enthusiasm and the excitement the
students bring to the school every time they come.
Here’s what has been happening these past few weeks of
The children have continued doing their letter of the day
and number of the day. We are almost done our letters! They are really
improving in letter recognition and knowing which letter is uppercase and which
one is lowercase and knowing their letter sounds as well. We go over the letter
sounds with our alphabet chart during Calendar routine every time and they keep
getting better and better! The children bring their letter books at home. We
read it in class together and I encourage you to have your children read those
books at home and practice some of their sight word recognition already (If you
want them to start reading ;) ).
We’ve also looked at the basic shapes such as; the circle,
the rectangle, triangle, square, diamond, etc. We’ve been making a lot of
crafts based on our shapes! During our Calendar routine we have started singing
the months of the year as well! So the children know that February and
Valentine’s Day is coming up!
Here are some pictures of the students working on their
crafts that we did.
The children did such an incredible job performing at the Christmas Concert last month! They were the cutest happiest Christmas trees that I have ever seen! Thank you parents for your support!
Next month is Catholic School’s Week. So on Wednesday,
February 13 it will be our SUPERHERO DAY. The kids might be participating in
the events that will happen in the afternoon so have them dress up as a
Here are some dates to remember:
Wednesday February 13 – SuperHero Day
Friday February 15- No school
IT HAS BEEN COLD! So please stay warm!
Miss Simbulan