Friday, May 6, 2022


Hello little families!

What a strange month we have had in April.  With only a handful of days that we went to school in April so there just wasn't too much to report.  I hope everyone enjoyed their spring break, and hopefully you got to enjoy a bit of family time on our snow days!  And Happy Easter!  

On the days we went to school, we have been working in our number of the day books.  We have been learning new nursery rhymes that we act out with our puppets.  We became engineers on our science day and built bridges and cities out of blocks and popsicle sticks.  When we are not busy working on worksheets we have been learning how to work as a team doing puzzles together, we have been learning about each other at circle time, and of course, we always finish our day on a high note with some fun songs and dancing!

We are in the last chunk of our pre k crazy to see the changes in all of you.  There has been some amazing progress in your printing, cutting, gluing, following directions, working together and learning to share.  I am just so proud of you guys....we have had an incredible journey thus far!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies!

Mrs. Kelly

Sunday, March 6, 2022


Hello Prekindergarten families!

We have been busy with our letter of the day and number of the day worksheets.  we have been learning about a couple tricky shapes like the hexagon, octagon, and pentagon because the other shapes are too easy for us!  We have learned a new nursey rhyme for some, "Hey diddle diddle" and have been doing worksheets about the rhyme.  it has become one of their favorites as we have made little paper puppets to act out the nursery rhyme!  we have began to have science fridays!  our first experiment was finding out if something sinks or floats.  We first made predictions and then did our experiment and recorded all our results.  The kids were so involved and excited, we just gotta do this every Friday!

Days to remember:

March 18   in-service  No school
March 28- April 1   Spring break   No school

And it looks like warmer weather is on its way!
That's it for now!

Mrs. Kelly

Tuesday, February 1, 2022



     Hello families of Prekindergarten!                                                                                                        

  Welcome back!  I sure missed everyone over the holidays...and hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday.  Back to school means back to work, and back to playing with our friends.  Since getting back we've started to go through our alphabet again with uppercase and lowercase.  We have gotten too good at the basic 5 shapes so have had to add pentagons, trapezoids, hexagons, and octagons to the mix!  Very impressive kiddos!  We continue to keep up with our scissor skills, gluing, and printing.  The past few classes we have been learning about arctic animals, how they stay warm, and what they eat. We have made some of these animals during our crafting time.....they are extra cute!

Stay Warm ! ! !

 February Reminder:


                                                                                           Mrs. Kelly