Saturday, March 1, 2025


Hello Pre-K Families!

We are soon approaching spring!  It can't come soon enough!  

We have been doing lots of table work and really improving our pencil skills and scissor work.  we have been doing more crafts now that our ability to sit at the table has gotten longer too!  as always, we have been going over alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, and animals, but at a faster speed.

We are currently learning about arctic animals.  we go over where they live, what they eat, what are their predators, and all about the importance of camouflage!  everyone seems to really enjoy it.

Our favorite song to do in class is the ants go marching.  we all grab drums and shakers as we sing and march!

Spring break is coming quickly and i have been gathering all their work and art to be given right before spring break.

the weather is getting warmer.  hopefully we will be able to get outside soon and have some outdoor fun!

till next time,

Mrs. Kelly

Sunday, January 5, 2025


Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.  It was a nice little break.  we were very busy in november and december making winter crafts and holiday crafts.  we finished going through the uppercase alphabet and numbers up tp 20.  we will refresh our memories and then by end of january we will hopefully be ready to start lowercase even.  as for shapes we have added a couple new ones like cresent, trapazoid, and rhombus and will continue to expand as the year goes on.  our pencil skills and cutting skills have greatly improved over the past couple months which is very exciting.  

it will be nice seeing you all back on the 8th...i've missed our fun afternoons and got lots planned for January!

Mrs. Kelly

Monday, October 28, 2024


Hey Pre-K families!

We welcomed a new student this week!  Our little flock grows!

In the last month we have discussed the changing weather and the switch from summer to fall...and soon to winter!  We had pictures done!  We visited the kindergarten class.  We have been polishing up our cutting and gluing with crafts.  We have been doing a letter and number of the day.  Music and dancing has also become a fun part of our day, learning new nursery rhymes or singing along with old ones.

Halloween is coming and we will be carving a pumpkin in class this week...lots of fun!  And right around the corner is Advent and Christmas!!!

Bye Bye for now!
Mrs. Kelly

Saturday, September 7, 2024



Hope everyone has had a wonderful summer.  We have made some big changes in the library at our school which the prek-s get to enjoy!  It's nice and bright and cheerful. 

We got started on Friday this past week and went over our rules of the classroom, had a little tour of the school, had a story, and even did a bit of cutting and gluing.  At circle time we learned about the calendar and weather.  We also got to play in the boat!

I look forward to a great year of fun, learning, and watching you grow.  I also look forward to lots of singing and dancing!

Mrs. Kelly


Friday, April 12, 2024


Happy Easter!

I hope everyone had a wonderful spring break and enjoyed a bit of time off!  Well we are in the final stretch of pre-k where we are working hard to make sure we are ready for Kindergarten this fall.  

I am proud to say we have been printing our own names, we are cutting and doing worksheets independently, and we have been trying some more challenging worksheets to become more confident with our numbers, letters, and shapes, and colors.

Crafting time has been putting together our "April Showers bring May Flowers" project board.  We have been talking a bit about Spring weather and the new beginnings of baby animals, grass, leaves, flowers...and of course how the snow is finally going!

We have some fun topics coming up like farm animals and wild animals...what are the differences and similarities?  So lots of fun to still be had!  And just a reminder bingo is coming up on the 26th of April....and book fair begins the week of the 15th.  I will be taking pre-k for a peek at the book fair and writing down some of their favorites.

With the warmer weather here now we will hopefully get a chance to enjoy some of it and get to play on the play structure at the end of each of our days!

Until next month!

Mrs. Kelly

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Happy New Year, Happy Valentine's Day!

We are back at it in pre-k....we went full force into letters, colors, shapes, and also are learning about some Arctic animals.  We have went over what keeps us warm.  We have enjoyed making our own musical instruments.  And, we have learning about how to be a good friend.  We have reached a point where we can say our alphabet confidently, numbers up to 10, we have started adding some new shapes to our learning, and I am so proud of the girls!!!!!  We have been doing lots of practicing and can now even print our own tracing!  I am so excited to see what progress these girls make in the upcoming months!

Mrs. Kelly      💗

Sunday, December 17, 2023


Hello families!

This will be the last time this year I will be talking to you this year!  And then bring on the new year!  This month has been so busy with practicing for the concert, making Christmas crafts, and making gifts for the families.  We will be preforming with the kindergarten class on Tues night.  I am so proud of these kiddos.  Over the past month we have also been doing the work; counting up to 20, letter recognition, new shapes, and practicing printing our names.

Our last day is the 22nd, it will be an earlier dismissal at 2:25!  I hope everyone has a beautiful Christmas with lots of laughs and filled with love, enjoying the extra time with family and friends.  I will see you all in the new year!  Check the school website for dates coming up, or call me at St. Gerard School.

Happiest of holidays!
Mrs. Kelly