Saturday, March 1, 2025


Hello Pre-K Families!

We are soon approaching spring!  It can't come soon enough!  

We have been doing lots of table work and really improving our pencil skills and scissor work.  we have been doing more crafts now that our ability to sit at the table has gotten longer too!  as always, we have been going over alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors, and animals, but at a faster speed.

We are currently learning about arctic animals.  we go over where they live, what they eat, what are their predators, and all about the importance of camouflage!  everyone seems to really enjoy it.

Our favorite song to do in class is the ants go marching.  we all grab drums and shakers as we sing and march!

Spring break is coming quickly and i have been gathering all their work and art to be given right before spring break.

the weather is getting warmer.  hopefully we will be able to get outside soon and have some outdoor fun!

till next time,

Mrs. Kelly

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