Monday, November 30, 2020


Hello December! 

Christmas is just around the corner. And when you are in Pre-K, everything is just going so fast. 

December is the season of Advent and Christmas. 

Advent means “coming” of Jesus.  During the Advent season we are awaiting and preparing for the arrival of Jesus.  Most of the activities that we are going to do in Pre-K are focused on Advent and Christmas.  We will be doing Christmas crafts and activities. As much as we want to sing Christmas songs we are not allowed to, that is why we will just try to make this Christmas a little bit special in our own little way. 

In the last couple of days, the Pre-k's have been busy practicing our two little Christmas poems for the Christmas Concert. They are entitled, "J-E-S-U-S" and "I'M A LITTLE SANTA". It will be a little different from what we were used to. This year's Christmas concert will be filmed in advance and a link will be sent to families on the evening of Wednesday, December 16th at 7:00 p.m..  We are very excited to stand on stage and share it with our families.  You can watch it with family on that night. 

* Wednesday, December 9th - NO SCHOOL - IN SERVICE 
* Wednesday, December 16th - Virtual Christmas Concert 
* Friday, December 18th - Last day for this year, Early dismissal at 2:25 p.m. 
* December 19th - January 5th - CHRISTMAS BREAK 
* Wednesday, January 6th - Pre-K classes resumes 

Have a wonderful Christmas and a joy-filled New Year! 
Stay safe and healthy. 


Mrs. Francisco


Monday, November 2, 2020



Hello November! 

It is the month of November already. It has been almost three months since we started our classes. The Pre-kindergartens are now getting the routine. We now also experienced the first snowfall and we have talked about the cold weather days and what do they need to wear on these cold weather days. 

They are making a very steady progress with the activities that we are doing - tracing, coloring, and glueing. We're doing a variety of activities about numbers, colors, shapes and letters. We are also doing different crafts and activities depending on the season or the holiday. So far, we have done fall, Thanksgiving and Halloween. 

These are some of the PreK's in action. 

I appreciate parents whose letting their children stay home if they are not feeling well. Please also be reminded that no hugs, high fives or other forms of physical contact. However, we can air high fives just to let them feel that we are still have this connection. A reminder to please let them wear proper clothing since it is now getting cold. 

Also, since Christmas is fast approaching and we are on a different situation right now. The school will be preparing a different way of presenting the Christmas concert. For the PreK's, I will be sending home an activity for our presentation on the Christmas Concert. 

Please let them bring healthy snacks only.  


November 6 - Friday - No School Student-Led Conference 

November 13 - Friday - PreK picture day

November 20 - Friday - Administration Day - No School

Take care and Stay safe.

Mrs. Francisco

Monday, October 5, 2020



Hello Fall! 

I can't believe it is Fall. It has been three weeks since we started our classes. The students are slowly getting into the routine of coming, washing their hands, taking their shoes and backpacks, eating snacks, going to the bathroom and going for dismissal. They are so good. 

They are also making their steady progress with the activities that we are doing - tracing, coloring, and glueing. We're doing numbers, colors, shapes and letters. We are also doing fall crafts and activities. 

We will continue with learning new stuff and crafts. 

I appreciate parents whose letting their children stay home if they are not feeling well. Please also be reminded that no hugs, high fives or other forms of physical contact. Please let them wear proper clothing since it is now starting to get cold. 

Take care and Stay safe. 

Mrs. Francisco

Thursday, September 17, 2020



Hello Pre-Kindergartens! Welcome back to school! 

It was so nice to see all of you last week during the Parent's Orientation. We have to do our class a little bit different this year and change a little bit the routine that we have in order for us to practice social distancing.

We talked about different stuff like how are we entering the building and how and where do we go out during dismissal time. 

Upon entering the building, parents are not allowed to enter the school building but instead, will wait for the teacher outside in the designated waiting area. I'll be picking the children and we will all go inside the school sanitizing our hands before coming to the library. 

A reminder that please stay at home if child is sick or unwell or any member of the family is sick. Please and kindly phone the office if your child cannot come for that day. Students can wear a face mask if they are used to wearing one. If not, they are not required. But the teacher will be wearing one most of the time. 

Students will be using the library all the time. They will not be using the gym for playtime but will be going outside in most times. 

The Pre-K schedule will look like this: 

Free Play - 1:05-1:20   Circle Time - 1:20 -1:35    Learning Time - 1:35 -2:35   Snacks and Bathroom Time - 2:35-2:50 Playtime and Dismissal Time - 2:50-3:15

During their Free Play, students will be playing on their own set of toys. They are playing altogether but separately practicing social distancing. All toys that had been played or touched will be cleaned, sanitized and disinfected.

Circle Time is the time where the teacher and the students gather in a circle like (they were assigned a spot - 2 meters apart) and we will be talking about the calendar, season, weather. We may read a story or just talk about random stuff. A reminder that there is no singing in Pre-K.

Learning Time is the time they will do work, will learn about numbers, alphabet, shapes and colors and answer the activity prepared for them. 

Snacks and Bathroom Time this is the time to go to the bathroom and wash hands properly. They are not allowed to bring any yogurt -like snacks to avoid spilling on the carpet floor. Before snacks they will go to the bathroom and wash their hands. After snacks, will wash or sanitize their hands. 

After Snacks, they will prepare to wear their outdoor clothes and bring all their things outside. The library back door exit is our dismissal door. They will be playing outside so please make sure that they are wearing the appropriate clothes for the weather. 

I am very much excited to meet you all next week and have fun learning new stuff. 

Take care and stay healthy and safe. 

Mrs. Francisco

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Spring is coming near and we are so excited to have this season. The year is going by so fast. Students in Pre-K have been keeping themselves busy. They are growing up so quickly and before you know it, they will be ready and off to Kindergarten. 

Here is what has been happening in Pre-K:

We’ve been going over our alphabet and slowly knowing our uppercases and lowercases. We continued doing our Letter and Number of the day and we’ve been tracing our names regularly! We will continue reviewing our letters, numbers and begin tracing and doing more letter recognition activities to get ourselves prepared for next year!

This month we will be looking at the season of Spring. We will also be doing St. Patrick’s Day activities and learn what the season of Lent is.

I hope everyone will have a blessed Lenten season. Here are some days to remember:

Friday, March 13 – No Classes Student-Led Conferences

Monday March 30 - Friday April 3 – Spring Break

Wednesday April 8 - Classes Resume for Pre-K

Friday, February 7, 2020


February is the month that we get to be pretty busy but definitely it will be full of fun and learning in Pre-K!

First, we will be celebrating Catholic Schools Week and will be starting with a School Mass on Sunday, February 09 at 11:00 a.m. All students are welcome to attend.

Second, February is “I Love to Read” month! I would like each student to bring two of their favorite story books to share with the class. I will take turns reading the books as the students bring them in.

Third, it is also Valentine’s Day this month. The Pre-K’s will be having their small Valentine’s Day Party on Wed. Feb. 12th. Cupcakes and juice boxes will be provided. We will also hand out small Valentines gifts or tokens and do Valentines themed activities. Please have your child make 1 Valentine gift with ONLY his/her name on it. This will make it easier when the children pass them out as they cannot read one another’s names.


* Wednesday, Feb. 12 ~ wear something red or a number shirt. We will be playing Bingo together will all the other students. (e.g. sports jersey)
* Friday, Feb. 14th ~ No School - In-service
* Wednesday, Feb. 26th ~ Wear a t-shirt you can read!

Thank you!

Mrs. Francisco

Thursday, January 9, 2020

January 2020

Happy New Year everyone! Happy new decade 2020! 

I am hoping that everyone had a lovely Christmas break. This month has been a coooold month! But I really appreciate the enthusiasm and the interest the students bring to the school every time they come. I love their smiles when they come to school. 

Here’s what has been happening and what will happen in the month of January.

The children have continued doing their letters and numbers. We are also looking at the basic shapes such as; the circle, the rectangle, triangle, square, diamond, etc. We’ve been making a lot of crafts based on our shapes! 

The children did such an incredible job performing at the Christmas Concert last month! They were the cutest happiest angels. I am surprised that even they joined the Kindergartens in the performance they still managed to show their smiles and sing the song. Thank you parents for your support!

Next month is a very busy month for different events. 

Here are some dates to remember:

Tuesday February 11 – Family Lunch. 

Friday February 14- No school

IT HAS BEEN COLD! So please stay warm and dress appropriately. 


Mrs. Francisco