Monday, October 5, 2020



Hello Fall! 

I can't believe it is Fall. It has been three weeks since we started our classes. The students are slowly getting into the routine of coming, washing their hands, taking their shoes and backpacks, eating snacks, going to the bathroom and going for dismissal. They are so good. 

They are also making their steady progress with the activities that we are doing - tracing, coloring, and glueing. We're doing numbers, colors, shapes and letters. We are also doing fall crafts and activities. 

We will continue with learning new stuff and crafts. 

I appreciate parents whose letting their children stay home if they are not feeling well. Please also be reminded that no hugs, high fives or other forms of physical contact. Please let them wear proper clothing since it is now starting to get cold. 

Take care and Stay safe. 

Mrs. Francisco

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